1. CfgGui widget

This is CfgGui widget showing qcobjExample.cfg in the examples directory of the package.


Values are coloured according to their type:

  • Quantities: red

  • Strings: blue

  • Numbers and lists: black

  • Boolean: green

The widget can also show two (or more!) configuration files at the same time highlighting the difference between them. This is what appears to the user runnning the script runcfggui.sh in the


The two files that appear in this snapshot are qcobjExample.cfg and qcobjExampleTemplate.cfg in the examples directory of the package.

Tooltips showing the valid quantities and range for every keyword appear when hoovering on a value.

2. CfgGui in action

This tool has been developed to compare large (more than one thousand lines) configuration files like fast14.cfg against fast19.cfg


All values displayed can be modified and their value is validated against the configspec file that must be set when running the application.

Modified configuration files can be saved using the File option in the application toolbar.